GED Preparation, HSO, Workkeys, Career Pathways, Bridge Program. Ready to Work Program.
Building 400
The WIOA Youth Program at Reid State Technical College serves out-of-school individuals, ages 16-24, in Conecuh, Escambia, Monroe, and Wilcox Counties.
Building 400
Adult Education /WIOA
Adult Education/WIOA
🦁 Adult Education/WIOA
Pre-employment and job skills training are offered through Reid State Adult Education Program. Students are provided training in Resume writing, job interviews, problem solving, time management, conflict resolution, communication skills and team work.
Adult Education WIOA Career Insights
The Adult Education and WIOA programs help students 16 years of age and older overcome barriers to employment, by providing opportunities to improve their reading, writing, math, and comprehension skills for work or personal gain. These programs give students the opportunity to increase the knowledge they need to update a current skill, receive a GED or High School Diploma, learn a new skill, or receive a credential. By developing these skills, students can improve the career prospects available to them, as well as expand their professional knowledge. Building literacy and numeracy skills gives students the additional confidence needed to advance in their academic skills and the valuable skills that can be put into action both in and out of the workplace. Students who complete the Adult Education or WIOA program enroll into college, advance on their job, increase technology skills, become employed and become high school graduates. Partnerships are also formed with industries to match employers with skill workers and provide support services to help students succeed in the labor market.