Engineering Complex
We are now standing outside of our Engineering Complex, home to state-of-the-art lab spaces and countless research opportunities. The College of Engineering offers 12 undergraduate degrees and more than 26 concentrations, so you can find a program that's a perfect fit for you.
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Interactive Learning
Internships / Job Opportunities
📖 Interactive Learning
Interactive learning is a cornerstone of the NDSU experience. Our active learning-style classrooms offer a unique experience: the classes are set up with circular tables to encourage discussion and collaboration among students, and the professor stands in the middle of the room to lecture so everyone can see and hear them. From communication to chemistry classes, our interactive learning spaces make group learning exciting and innovative.
💼 Internships / Job Opportunities
The Career and Advising Center (CAC) at NDSU can help you find an internship, co-op, or full-time job during and after your time as an NDSU student. Each year, CAC puts on two, large-scale career fairs where students can meet with employers from across the region and country to network and look for work opportunities. CAC also offers assistance with resumes and cover letters, mock interviews, career coaching, and the career closet (where you can check out professional clothing for free).