Welcome to Colorado State University, we hope you enjoy our beautiful campus! Our team of current students, known as Admissions Ambassadors, have recorded information and stories about some of our favorite spots on campus to give you more insight into what student life is like.
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Personalized Tour
Answer a short questionnaire, and we will generate a custom tour based on your interests.
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General Campus Tour
All of the basics you need to know about CSU - from academics to student life!
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Tour Español
¡Todos los conceptos básicos que necesita saber sobre CSU, desde lo académico hasta la vida estudiantil!
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General Transfer Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards Transfer students - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - from Academics to Student Life!
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Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in the CSU Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Agricultural Sciences Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in the College of Agricultural Sciences - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Business Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards business students - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Liberal Arts Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in the CSU College of Liberal Arts - from Academics to Student Life!
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Warner College of Natural Resources Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in Warner College of Natural Resources - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Natural Sciences Tour
A general tour of campus geared towards students interested in the College of Natural Sciences - from Academics to Student Life!
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College of Health and Human Sciences Tour
A general tour geared towards student interested in the College of Health and Human Sciences - from Academics to Student Life!
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Une visite de CSU
Toutes les informations nécessaires sur CSU - soutiens pédagogiques à l'intention de la vie estudiantine!
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