📸 Photo Gallery

Campus building at sunset

White Hall

Students explore the constellations at the White Hall planetarium!

In addition to the planetarium, students can utilize the observatory to study space in real time!

Stewart Hall pictured in the distance behind pink flowers on a sunny spring day.

Student boarding mountain line transit authority bus in front of the downtown student union, the Mountainlair.

Image shows PRT platform with a car stopped at the station.

Image shows a student selecting their desired PRT station destination on the automated screen.

A Fall photo of the exterior of the Downtown Library.

Students study in the Milano Reading Room.

A Dog in a WVU Bandana sits in front of the Library

Photo of the outside of Colson Hall.

The Exterior of Clark Hall

A faculty member inside a Clark Hall Lab space.

The image shows a snow flurried view of the exterior of the downtown Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

Students browse the array of WVU gear in the bookstore!

The image shows the exterior of Oglebay Hall, a long brick building with columns at the entrance.

In front of Oglebay Hall sits the mast of the USS West Virginia to commemorate the battleship and in remembrance of Pearl Harbor.

Ming Hsieh Hall is connected to Oglebay Hall and shares its exterior themes.

Inside one of Ming Hsieh Hall's lecture halls, students listen attentively to their instructor.

Exterior shot of the Life Sciences Building highlighting the unique green glass windows.

Students take advantage of a beautiful day in Morgantown by lounging on the Mountainlair Green!

The WVU Coliseum, located on the Evansdale Area of Campus is a high-energy arena, a must-see for all students and visitors!

Health Sciences Center

Image shows student walking in front of Allen Hall.

Image shows the exterior of Percival Hall, a gray brick building with an elevated pedestrian bridge in front..

A rainy day exterior photo of Reynolds Hall.

WVU Officials Visit the Construction Site of Reynolds Hall opening Spring 2022

Image shows the exterior of the Evansdale Library, a light brick building with tall, black windows and students filing in and out.

Students take advantage of the libary's reservable study rooms to collaborate on school work.

Fall exterior photo of Martin Hall

An old photograph of Martin Hall

An action shot of WVU students filming a news broadcast.

Snowy photo of the exterior of Chitwood Hall

A WVU Student administering a check up on a child.

Students lay in the sun in front of Chitwood Hall

A group fo WVU students pose for a photo on their Study Abroad Program holding a WVU Flag.

A sunny photo of Woodburn Hall

One of our favorite traditions: photos in front of Woodburn!

Woodburn illuminated at night

Tulips bloom in front of Elizabeth Moore Hall

Students dancing in the dance studio inside of Elizabeth Moore Hall

Omega (a standard poodle) sitting in front of the Purinton House

A banner that reads "Welcome International Students" is hung on the front balcony of the Purinton House.

A curved building with small, dark windows is featured in front of a light pink sunset.

Exterior shot of building with a green curved roof and a scenic pond out front.

WVU Downtown Tour

Action shot of a student climbing the recreation center's rock wall.

Students utilize the lap pool for a game of canoe battleship!

Photo of Crime Scene Tape saying "Crime Scene Do Not Cross"

Students Record Evidence in a Crime Scene House

A Forensic Student writes down information on a clipboard outside a Crime Scene House

A happy golden-doodle dog sits in front of Knapp Hall, a tall beige building.

Photo of the Agricultural Sciences Building

A student leads a horse through a field

A Student lays in a hammock on the back side of the Agricultural Sciences Building

A student sketches clothing designs in a room with dress forms behind them.

A student is on her knees training a service dog wearing a vest.

Exterior of Evansdale Greenhouse

A student tending to flowers inside the Evansdale Greenhouse

A student watering the plants inside the Greenhouse

Exterior of the Advanced Engineering Research Building

A student using equipment inside one of WVU's Clean Rooms

A group of students stand with a Mars Rover Robot

A photo of the exterior of Engineering Sciences Building

A snowy photo of the Exterior of the Evansdale Crossing

The front desk of the Evansdale Visitors Center with the "Welcome Home" sign.

President Gee wearing VR goggles in the Media and Innovation Center

A student working on an invention in the Maker Lab

Students cheer as this photo captures the football field in the distance.

A photo of the outside of the Mountainlair

A sunny photo of the outside of the Health and Education Building

CPASS Student leading a coaching class with children.

3 Pharmacists gather in the WVU Pharmacy.

Student sitting and speaking to a counselor in the Carruth Center.

Student climbing rocks.

A group of tents pitched under Seneca Rocks

Photo of the Mountaineer Statue

A portrait of the Mountaineer mascot smiling at a football game

A photo of Natalie Tennent (Our 1st female Mountaineer)

Gordon Gee holds out his arms as he wears a coat covered in rainbow feathers

A group of WVU students fight the rapids on a white water rafting trip.

A sunny photo of the outside of the Art Museum

A large group of people stand in the art museum talking and viewing art.

The sun sets over the art museum and a group of outdoor sculptures.

Members of the community point and talk about a sculpture inside the Art Museum.

A photo of a blue pole with the word "Emergency" written on it and a light on the top.

A photo of a phone receiving a WVU text alert.

A photo of a student playing the flute as a faculty member instructs them.

A WVU Drum Major conducts the band in the football stadium

Dancers extend their arms on stage

3 WVU acting students stand on stage in costume

A group of WVU students draw a subject in a drawing class

A student pours a liquid in a canister that produces steam

A student tutors fellow students in the Eberly Writing Studio

A photo of students sitting at a table with the focus on a report.

A WVU student teacher instructs a classroom full of high school students.

The exterior of Ruby Memorial Hospital

The perfect study spot! Students often can be found enjoying the sunshine with a coffee outside.

Off-Campus doesn't mean far away from Campus! These townhomes are an example of Off-Campus housing super close to campus! In Elizabeth Moore Hall, you can find the office of Off-Campus housing. This office can help you find a place to live and will review your lease for free!

A student researcher tests a tissue sample.

A patient speaks to a physician in the Student Health office.

Each year members of Greek Life go out into the community and complete service projects. Three sorority members paint the famous "Let's Go Mountaineers" wall.

The Pylons stand at the entrance of the Health Sciences Center. The word "pylon" is derived from the Greek word for "gateway." WVU's Pylons serve as a symbolic gateway for students embarking on their journey towards a career in healthcare.

Ming Hsieh provides a venue for guest speakers that come to campus. Pictured is Natalie Tennant speaking on her experiences as Secretary of State of West Virginia and as a former Mountaineer Mascot!

A group of Medical School Students gather around a training mannequin.

Two students sit at the Market

Two members of the dance team participate in the PRT cram, a tradition that typically takes place during Mountaineer Week. A PRT car is placed outside of the Mountainlair, and students try to fit as many people inside as they can!

Students get the chance to apply what they learn in the classroom in real world settings.

Several fraternity houses sit on a hill.

Members of Greek life compete to win the Greek Games, which includes activities like musical yoga mats, tug of war, relay races, and more!

Stewart Hall is home to the office of our University President Dr. E. Gordon Gee. Dr. Gee served as President of WVU from 1981 - 1985, and again starting in 2014. He is known for his bowties, his selfies with students, and his love for WVU.

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), located in Stewart Hall, is dedicated to enhancing the educational opportunities for students with temporary or permanent disabilities at West Virginia University and all of its campuses.

Stewart Hall was the first official library on campus built in 1902, pictured here in 1905.

Each floor of the Engineering Sciences Building is home to a different discipline of engineering.

Da Vinci's is a cafe located inside the Evansdale Library, where students can grab a bit to eat or a mid-study session coffee.

Stadium seating filled with fans surrounds the basketball court.

A group of volleyball players huddle on the court.

A wrestler touches his headgear.

A gymnast adjusts the straps on her hand grips.

One of our furry friends from UPD patrols campus!

The Engineering Sciences Building is often host to engineering-specific career fairs.

A sign on a building with glass windows reads "WVU Cancer Institute Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center."

The exterior of WVU's Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute.

The exterior of WVU's Eye Institute.

A patient is walked down the hall by two nurses.

A nurse in scrubs and a flying WV headband looks into the camera.

A student uses and dropper on a sample of moss.

A rat is placed in an operant chamber.

A colorful brain scan is pictured on a black background.

The drum line stands on the edge of the end zone in full uniform.

Students cheer at a football game.

Photo of the Walnut PRT Station

Choose your destination! Choose one of our 5 stations to head to next on your WVU Adventure!

Engineering PRT Station.

Hop on the PRT and catch one of the coolest rides around!

All Aboard! Hop on the towers PRT station to head somewhere new!

PRT sits at the HSC PRT Station

Exterior of Brooks Hall

A student attends a WVU advising appointment.

Photo of the Exterior of the College of Law

Visitors are bustling around the Downtown Visitors Center

Exterior of the Erickson Alumni Center

Find your new home at the Evansdale Visitors Center

A photo of Armstrong Hall on a sunny summer day.

Maggie the GoldenDoodle sits in front of Hodges Hall

A student walks into to LGBTQ center at the Maple House

Jack the puppy stands in front of the Mineral Resources Building

A sunny photo of the NRCCE

The interior of Reynolds Hall is equipped with plenty of unique hangout and study spaces like this one, complete with a grand staircase to soak in the riverfront views.

Reynolds Hall was built with a "mock stock exchange" influence to allow students to gain real life experience in their learning environment.

WVU students and fan have always shown up to cheer on the Mountaineers! Here they are supporting the team at Old Mountaineer Field, sometimes referred to as the "snake pit" by alumni.

While the stadium has since moved locations, a physical reminder of the iconic Downtown landmark still stands in its place to remind students of the location's unique history!

The Pride of West Virginia performs their iconic pregame program, energizing the entire stadium!

Electric energy, roaring crowds, and a sea of Gold and Blue. This is what WVU Football is made of!

WVU players proudly charge the field carrying the state flag of West Virginia!

Be sure to snap a picture with the Milan Puskar statue near the stadium entrance!

Mountaineer Mary Roush cheers alongside a "mini mountaineer"!

Be sure to get your picture with the legendary Rod Hundley, AKA "Hot Rod Hundley," statue. Hundley was an All American WVU collegiate basketball star turned LA Laker player, turned NBA radio announcer.

Be sure to snap your picture with WVU basketball legend, Jerry West! Jerry West was not only a star Mountaineer athlete, but he also went on to play for and own the LA Lakers. Fun fact, the NBA logo is modeled after his unique dribbling style!

West Virginia University

Flying WV

Photo of Woodburn Hall

Black and white illustration of college campus

WVU Evansdale Tour

WVU Health Sciences Tour

WVU General Campus Tour

WVU Photo Tour