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Florida State University Logo

Florida State University

Westcott Building

The State Capitol

The torches of the FSU seal symbolize the purpose of the University: the passing on of knowledge from generation to generation.

Downtown Tallahassee

Residence Life

Seminole Dining

Robert Manning Strozier Library

Innovation Hub

Landis Green

Student Union

Market Wednesday

Askew Student Life Center

The Health & Wellness Center

The Leach

The FSU Rez


University Center, Building A

University Center, Building B

The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

Center for Global Engagement

FSU Study Abroad: Florence, Italy

FSU Study Abroad: Valencia, Spain

FSU Study Abroad: London, England

Florida State University

Department of Psychology

College of Fine Arts

Thagard Building

Downtown College Location

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

College of Human Sciences

College of Nursing

College of Criminology and Criminal Justice

College of Business

College of Medicine

Azalea Hall




1851 image 4

Dunlap Student Success Center

Career Center

Career Center

Center for Leadership & Service

College of Education

Legacy Fountain on Landis Green.

Landis Green

Live Well Day

Honors, Scholars, Fellows House

King Life Sciences Building

King Life Sciences Building

King Life Sciences Building

Bellamy Building

The University Center

Integration Statue

The Leach

The Leach

The Leach

The Leach

The Rez

The Rez

Health and Wellness Center

Fitness and Movement Clinic

FSU Film Students

Integration Statue

The torches of the FSU seal symbolize the purpose of the University: the passing on of knowledge from generation to generation.

Downtown Tallahassee

The fountain was constructed near the University Center in 1998, while the university center itself was being constructed.

Students from our study center in Florence Italy.

Study abroad at FSU's study center in Valencia Spain.

Study Center in London England

The Globe Reading Room

The Globe Meditation Room

The Globe Reading Room

The Globe Meditation Room

William Johnston Building

The William Johnson Atrium

The ACE Tutoring Center

ACE Tutoring Center

Suwannee Dining Hall

Bryan Hall

Bryan Hall

The College of Law

Tanner Hall


Integration Statue

Integration Statue

Integration Statue

William Johnston Building

Fitness and Movement Clinic

Department of Psychology

Center for Global Engagement

Center for Global Engagement

University Center Building B

College of Social Work

Coyle E. Moore Athletic Center

Innovation Hub

The main level showcases Florida State’s talented student-athletes with wall-to-wall vibrant memories of historic Seminole seasons and athletic achievements

College of Motion Picture Arts

College of Motion Picture Arts

Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science

Meteorology Map Wall

EOAS Lobby

Strozier Library

Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science (EOAS)

Wellness Passport

Ruby Diamond Concert Hall

Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub


FSU Intramural Fields

School of Theater


Strozier Library

Strozier Library

Ruby Diamond Concert Hall

Residence Life

Bryan Hall

The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)

William Johnston Building

The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)

Innovation Hub

Landis Green

Strozier Library

Strozier Library

Career Center

Career Center

Dunlap Student Success Center

Heritage Fountain

International Programs Florence Italy

International Programs London England

International Programs Valencia Spain

Florida State Capitol

Science Lab

College of Communication & Information

Seminole Café

Student Services Building

College of Education

McCollum Hall

Some first-year students are able to live in McCollum Hall

McCollum Hall in-unit kitchen

Ragans Hall


DeGraff Hall

Interior of DeGraff Hall bedroom

DeGraff ARC

A Suite Triple shared by three residents

Landis Hall

Cawthon Hall houses the Music Living-Learning Community

The historic renovated halls have the signature red brick.

An exterior view of a historic renovated hall with a palm tree

Wildwood Hall exterior

Historic renovated halls have "sky-bridge" study rooms that connect different halls.

Academic Resource Center

Azalea Hall Lobby

Exterior of Magnolia, Azalea, Dorman, and Deviney Halls

MADD Halls are suite-style

Salley Hall exterior

Salley Hall has a shared living space in each suite.

Salley Hall Lobby

Salley Hall Bedroom

Beds can be bunked or raised for more floor space

University Housing Office

Wildwood Hall Bedroom

aerial view of Wildwood Hall

Marching Chiefs Practice

Wildwood Bedroom

Student Union

FSU Student Union Bowling and Billiards Center

Askew Student Life Center


Interior Design

Art History


Main Campus lab facility

Social Science and Public Policy

FSU Bookstore

Student Union

Union Food Court

Students studying at the Union.

The Lab provides students with a variety of scenarios where they can provide hands-on patient care in a safe environment applying the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.

Psychology Classroom

This dynamic learning environment gives you hands-on access to various instructional technologies, as well as the practical knowledge of how they can be embedded in your future career in teaching, learning, assessment, and research. This facility houses technologies for all aspects of education, from Pre-K through graduate, and ensures our students meet rigorous accreditation requirements, state standards, and accomplished practices.

As a student of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, you have access to the advanced technology in the Sport Psychology Lab – biofeedback, eye-tracking, perceptual and reaction time equipment. The lab is the site of many innovative studies in sport/exercise and a great resource for students studying Sports Psychology.

Ice Cream Social


School of Teacher Education students use this lab to practice their science-teaching skills in a fully equipped, high-tech facility. The space is designed to mimic a typical middle or high school science lab with state-of-the-art equipment like a 77-inch Smart Board with speakers, ceiling-mounted LCD projector, and microscopes.

TeachLivE™ enables FSU College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences students to “virtually” practice their teaching, classroom management, behavior management, and other skills in an environment resembling a classroom or other academic environment.

Residence Hall Suite Style Room

Residence Hall

Student Honors Ceremony

Digital Media Students


These stage spaces accommodate large set constructions and include moveable lighting grids and a green screen stage.

Presidential Scholars Event

Honors Advising

Landis Green

Robert Manning Strozier Library

Robert Manning Strozier Library

The College of Music

Music Performance

Seminole Cafe

Seminole Dining Event

College of Medicine White Coat Ceremony

White Coat Ceremony

Nursing SIMS Lab

Nursing Students

The official seal of Florida State University

Elementary Education and Nursing Anesthesia

FSU PC Promise At FSU Panama City, students come first. We want to see you succeed whether your goal is to land your dream job after graduation or pursue an advanced degree. Our students are the thinkers, the doers, the people who know what they want and aren’t afraid to take advantage of whatever opportunities come their way. Our promise to you: Here, we will offer you resources to become the best version of yourself.

Office Building

Seminole Landing

FSU Panama City Barron Building


Housed under FSU Panama City’s Public Safety & Security program, the CSI major integrates analytic and hands-on practical exercises with the theoretical principles needed to work in areas such as crime scene, death investigations, medical examiner’s office, forensic labs and more. All academic coursework is offered online or face-to-face. The required hands-on labs are offered in accelerated one-week (40 hours) summer semester classes. During the summer program students will work real cold cases and mock crime scene scenarios. Labs allow students to practice skills like blood spatter analysis, processing of fingerprints, facial reconstruction and recovery of buried bodies. All CSI specific labs are approved by the International Association of Identification (IAI) as training certification or continuing education hours.

Managed by the world-renowned FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/), the civil & environmental engineering program at FSU Panama City is part of a leading academic institution with excellent records of achievement in research and public service. It is designed with the students’ success in mind. With class sizes averaging fewer than 15, students benefit from a personal teaching environment and individual attention.

DDS employees are available for virtual assistance with programs like Zoom, Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel or any of the other classroom software. Students may schedule virtual assistance 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The DDS is closed Saturday and Sunday. To request a Zoom meeting, text 81010 with @fsudds as your message. A staff member will get back with you as soon as possible.

Bland Conference Center

We are the only ABA program in the Panhandle to provide in-home and in-clinic services. ECAP serves children diagnosed with (or presenting symptoms of) developmental delays or disabilities, including: autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities. ECAP is a non-profit (501(c) 3) early intervention and community outreach program. Our program has an approved practicum placement for graduate students enrolled in the Florida State University Master’s Program in Applied Behavior Analysis.

DeGraff lobby sitting area.

1851 Dining

Apartment Living Space

The Little Dinner Series is one of Tallahassee's best-kept quality dining secrets since 1957. Each semester, students in the Dedman College work side-by-side with instructors to create a series of four-course themed dinners. Every element – from the menu to décor – is conceptualized by a group of students tasked with planning and managing their own event.

Our annual Moot Court Team Final Four Competition took place at the Florida Supreme Court!

Law School Graduation

Black and white illustration of college campus

Tallahassee Campus Tour

University Housing Tour

Self-Guided Group Tour

Panama City Campus Tour